Sunday, April 25, 2010

Max's First Birthday

A picture with mommy and daddy
Max wasn't so sure about the cake
Opening presents with daddy
Wanting to play with all his new toys
Playing with his cute caterpillar
my little sister, Enge, videotaping the party
My brother's wife, Melyssa, feeding their daughter Kierra

Max's good friend Kaysia (Sary's daughter)

Max is more interested in the balloons than the present
my niece, Grace, grabbing some cotton candy
Grace, Eva, and Khaisen enjoying their cotton candy
the food table
the lion birthday cake
the smash cake
Playing around with random things
Khaisen Chen, my cute nephew
sister-in-law Jen, brother-in-law Aaron and his girlfriend Katie

Lansia, Jenny, and Holly

Our little guy turned one this month! I can't believe a year has gone by since we brought him home! It really hasn't seem like that long ago but I hear time flies when you have kids. It's totally true. Time does fly when you have kids because of how busy you become with your schedule and it seems like there's a million things you have to get done in a day that you never have time for or that you never end up getting to. It's just crazy busy. Well, it has been a really fast and crazy year for us but we are so lucky and blessed to have an adorable little boy in our family. He is everything to us even though sometimes he can be a handful.

Here are some pictures from his birthday party! I wish I took more pictures from the party but I was super busy with everything else. That's what happens when you host a don't have time to take pictures. Anyway, his birthday party went really well and we had a great time! There was plenty of food for everyone there and of course lots of cake for dessert. We also set up a bounce house and a cotton candy machine for the kiddies. The kids loved it! Thanks everyone for all your help and for coming to the party! We love you so much!!

Happy 1st Birthday, Max!! Hugs and Kisses!!


Holly said...

It was a great first birthday party! It looked like all kids there had a great time. Love the cotton candy, and the ice cream mochi! I really like the little butterfly and caterpillar I bought Max. Sometimes I secretly buy things for kids that I secretly would like (if I was a kid). That's why he didn't get a toy trunk or GI Joe action figure from me, but those cute butterfly and caterpillar toys. Don't worry, I'm not going to buy barbies or doll house any time in the future, well maybe a gender neutral action figure house. :)

Thanks for inviting me to Max's party! He is the cutest 1 year old ever!

emily said...

Happy Birthday Max! He's such a cutie. And your party looked like lots of fun (with lots of yummy food).

ennlee said...

Holly, thanks for coming to Max's party! I appreciate all your help there too! I know what you mean, I'm the same way when picking out toys for Max! I buy things that I think are cute and that I would like if I was a kid. Usually he likes what I pick out but sometimes it backfires and he ends up not even playing with the toy at all. Thanks for the toys you got him! He really likes them a lot!

Thanks, Emily! The party turned out great but it was definitely a lot of work! Hope you and your boys are doing well!!=)

Trogdor said...

You did a great job with the party! It was great to have everyone there! I am still drooling over that pork that you made!

Sum said...

Those are possibly the cutest birthday cakes I've seen. I miss Enge! Happy Birthday Max! Awww...loved all the pictures.

ennlee said...

Thanks, Trevor! We're glad that you guys could make it and I'm so glad that you liked my pork! Kristine was telling us that maybe we should make some for your birthday!!=)

Lauren, thanks! Everyone had a fun time! You should call Enge sometime.....I'm sure she would love to catch up with you!!=)

meteorsky said...

That party was so cute! I loved the food and the mochi ice cream. The kids really seem to enjoy it! Anyways, I hope you will find a use for that Toys R us gift certificate that I got for Max.

Vanessa said...

Happy Birthday Max!! What a cute birthday party! Everything looks so perfect, especially love the cakes! You are the cutest hostess Ennlee! Beautiful job on the party and Happy Birthday to the little guy!

ennlee said...

Thanks, Vanessa! It was a great party and I wish you could've been there!! We miss you!!