Saturday, November 14, 2009

Oh Boy

So lately I have been caught up in doing other things and I have put my blog on the back burner. The truth is I never know what to blog about and I don't think anyone even reads my blog so it's easy for me to neglect it. Well, here are a few pictures of Max at 6 months. He is such a fun baby-full of energy and personality. There is definitely never a dull moment with this little guy! Babies are just so much fun! I would definitely recommend them to anyone!


Amander said...

Aw, he's so cute! And you take great pictures. I am reading, so keep writing :)

ennlee said...

Thanks, Amanda for actually reading my blog.....I'll keep it coming just for you:)

meteorsky said...

Yes, babies are alot of fun! Wait until Max starts talking!

Holly said...

Max is a fun and happy baby. Someday I hope I have a happy, cute, smart baby too.